Rhondda Nunes wrote: Hey, Drillah; you're lagging a little, huh? Come back to us! The drillah has been lazy. The dog-days of summer where it's 100 freaking degrees outside here in Stockton cooks the drillah's brain.But here's a fresh column and I promise, Scout's honor, to come back more often: Title:July 12th:All-Star-Game and looking forward to football: http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060712/SPORTS/607120316/1004/SPORTS Maybe I'll come back and post more baseball later, I could go on about NL vs. AL but gotta jet for now.
Nice 'ta see 'ya back, Drillah, where you've been?
What 'ta say about National league vs. American?One pretty much sucks and 'da other doesn't? So much for parity. I keep hoping next year will be different, just like i hope 'de A's will stay strong and not start choking as 'de season goes on, but each year it's 'de same friggin' thang.Choke!Choke!How 'dey beat 'da Detroit Tigers, hell if i know.