Rhondda Nunes(the real deal). wrote: Jose` in N.Y. wrote: Admin wrote: Anybody else watching the UConn vs. George Mason game right now? WOW!!! GMU is leading by 2 points with about 4 minutes left, 67-65. Gotta love March Madness!!! I know; ain't it GREAT!! I got that game on RIGHT NOW!!!I'd LOVE to see G.M. pull off the upset, that'd be GREAT!!!!GO GM; GO!!!Win one for the Mid-majors!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!! Now wasn't that GREAT!!!!A #11 upsetting a # 1!!!First mid-major to the final 4, I think; what a great achievement for George Mason! Close, Rhondda, but let me clarify:In 1995, LSU(then a # 11 seed) knocked off a # 1...& in 1986; a mid-major from Kentucky made the final 4 but the drillah can't remember the name...that was a while back. Good afternoon, college hoopsters, how about the drillah's morning 2 - minute drill?By George! http://www.stocktonrecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060327/SPORTS/603270323&SearchID=73239751552868
RBX: Well, the Drillah is off the Goldenstate bandwagon; & rooting for george mason to go all the way, so i've forgiven him from page 'whatever' of the "gotta love" thread.Go George Mason!!Knock off Florida!!
OSM:That was page, hell; I don't know! You're supposed 'ta know 'dat, RBX, it's you're damn thread!
RBX: I think your hangovers are rubbing off on me & affecting my memory, LOL!!Go George Mason! Win one for UOP & the Gipper!
OSM: You mean for mid-majors everywhere!Forget 'da Gipper!
Very funny; are you guys trying to give Don & mike a run for their money? Wish I hadn't written about G.M. winning it all in yesterday's 2-minute drill; I think I jinxed 'em, darn it.
Well, I didn't think Cinderella would get by Florida actually with their size inside. They still had a good run, though, they should be proud.