Admin wrote: Thanks Rhondda for adding a link to my site on your website. I have updated my home page letting Kings' fans know about your song with a link back to your page. You go girl!!!!!!!!!! You can see it by clicking the link below. Look for it a little under Ronny Artest's picture. Starting to like this little Kingsfan board, you all are real funny. Let my P.A. post the link: Like that I motivated a king'sfan to write a song to prove me wrong.She sounds real smart. Now you Kings prove me wrong by not s*cking.You ain't gonna make the playoffs unless you start now! Nice jazzy vibe here.Now live up to it, Bibby & co.I dare you.
I think i created a monster here!
When I played this song for Charles barkley's personal a$$istant I had no idea he'd post on the is more at his p.a. who is probably posting the Chuckster's (ahem!!)"thought processes".LOL!!
Take this as a compliment, Admin(Kingsfan) & Rhondda. Obviously, you're on the right track if others in the NBA are interested, even if the Maloofs are a little slow & behind the curve in picking up what's going on.
Like your song Rhondda, looking for what you got next, & I like the cla$$y way you handled the fakerfan response. You go girl!!!
You're right about the Maloofs beeing a little slow, maybe theyre mad at her (Rhondda) 'cuz she had the nerve to write a c-webb version of the song right before the c-webb trade. maybe they didn't think she'd be a corporate player(read shill) for the maloof paARTY LINE.
You're right about the Maloofs beeing a little slow, maybe theyre mad at her (Rhondda) 'cuz she had the nerve to write a c-webb version of the song right before the c-webb trade. maybe they didn't think she'd be a corporate player(read shill) for the maloof paARTY LINE.
Well; I don't know about that. True, the maloofs can be a little obtuse(thick-headed); but I think the most likely thing is just that the entertainment division at Arco is behind the curve. Remember the Detroit vid? Don't you think they want to take that back?
LOL!!!Now I know who you are UCLA but I won't out you!Glad you're surprised by what I'm doing musically, especially when I know you're pretty talented yourself. I'm on my 2nd break at Windmill Cove. I demanded that the guys follow musician union rules so that we get a break every hour at least. If I didn't say anything, these guys would play 2 hour sets(great for the auidince, but how do I check the message board that way? Thanx Admin. for the link & starting the thread, & for all the props. Ditto to OSM, I appreciate all of your incredibly funny postings. Speaking of funny, can that REALLY be 'the real chuckster?' or is he just a really good actor? To Monarchs Win! & Kara is Clutch!: I have the 1st verse of the Monarch's song. It's a little faster than the Kings song with a more funky vibe, not as jazzy. It starts: "Yo, Yo!-gotta have her in the post, workin' it!!: like she's 7' 5" & 25"! More of that to come. The "No Cows in Sight" song is done, I just need to record that one. The *Laker* fans ARE GONNA HATE IT!!LOL!!!Lori Gilbert( the reporter that interviewed me for the Stockton Record) LOVED IT. She also said that she'd mention it & the King's song to the people she knows at Arco & at News10 that are on the King's beat. I'm soooo excited!! To Joe Velez & Jose in N.Y.~ Like your ideas about mixing up the music at games. I totally agree with you . It'd be fun to have a more collegeite atmosphere at NBA pro games. Could you imagine if ARCO counded like the 'Zags Kennel or something? Boy that'd be REALLY intimidating!Sorry about your Knicks, Jose`, hopefully you can get some college players in there to turn it around.I'll cross my fingers for you & for the SuperSonics too; 'cuz Ray Allen is a cla$$ act. Oh no, the guys in the band are glaring at me...I'm gonna have to play a long set now!!Gotta run you all!!
You know, Rhondda your energy & optmisim is kinda inspiring.The Maloofs woud be smart bringing you in to the Kingsfold officially.
I know I thanked you for sending your song to Broadstreet(76'rs front office) after the trade, but I want to thank you again. it's one of my fav mementos from my SacKings days. Go Rhondda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, & Go Kings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx Chris! it was fun doing the philly version. I'm glad you like it. I'm gonna send a copy of version 2 for Peja to the Pacers front office, I just haven't got around to it.
Hey everyone I was jamming here last night & I came up with this intro for version 3:(of the King's song I mean):
"I'm soooooo tired......all that talk on ESPN way, sayin' we have no 'D'.....
just like; I'm tired,.....of all that talk down lo-cal way,.....You know what I'm talkin' about;....
That little soap opera I like to call 'as the fakerlaker world turns!' (hey!)
'cuz didn't the Monarchs prove that every possesion counts!(hey!)
That we can have tenacious 'D' in Sactown?! (hey!)
livin, livin,....a little Northern California Satisfaction.....
When I get the verse I'll post it...I think if I can see a road win, I'll have the 1st two offensive sets for the 1st verse. Last night when I was jamming after the game I had:
Bibbylicous, K-Mart, the Cisco kid,RonRon, 'Reef 'n' K-9 & Brad in the 1st verse.
(I know....J.T.; 7 players, but hey! there will be two possesions, so why not! Heck, I might even add bonzi 'n' have 8 players in the 1st verse!After all, I'm a musician & just a b-ball fan, not a playa!(of b-ball I mean!)LOL!!