look...no offense OSM but I know what I saw!!!!!!!!!!!??///(by ur reasoning!). I'll call rhondda out here..what are your standards as a musician/?? U 2 ...OSM...What uP? it's O>k. 2 get bombed before a really big-matchup? c'mon.....are musicians any 'better' as bad (or good!! ) than atletes as examples??
Whatever,....RBX.How 'bout u apply ur energies 2 an index for 'da "Gotta Love Ur Sacramento Kings thread?"
Of course, OSM prob. wouldn't get "bombed" 'da night before, but what's 'da harm with a on a friday night? Do u think musicians 'n' athletes should live like monks or sometin'?
(hopefully at a monastery were 'da monks are makin' yeah baby! Still think u could lighten up, u 'n' ShackO gonna give urselves attacks if u don't take it easy, man!)
Fine! We'll just have to agree to disagree, I know what i saw and I'm not giving Mike Bibby a free pa$$. You ,OSM, might not like what I put in the index; every mention of you partying....
No way Mike will agree to an index for the other thread unless you lighten up RBX...OSM is right.Respect Mike's privacy, ok?
RBX wrote: Fine! We'll just have to agree to disagree, I know what i saw and I'm not giving Mike Bibby a free pa$$. You ,OSM, might not like what I put in the index; every mention of you partying.... No way Mike will agree to an index for the other thread unless you lighten up RBX...OSM is right.Respect Mike's privacy, ok? Like the pics Kings fan; keep up the good work.
You're right; RBX does need to lighten up. I'd agree to an index if: