To "KL" in El Lay: Stay in "el Lay", you just sound're probably "hard on the eyes" and we nor-cal dudes wouldn't touch "your wenchinezzz" with a 50-foot poll. Who cares if "El Lay used to be...whatever they were?THEY AIN'T NOW!!!!!
*Let's get back to the point*: Not only do I think the mobley reference in the song should go; she should expand on the "fakerlaker" aspect(take that, el lay!) and tell the world what a mistake "dr. phil" made in going back to the el lay jungle.....if kobe was uncoachable before with a big man to keep him in check what the hella is he now?Certainly not more coachable.
To "el lay": YOU SUCK!!!!!!!and....I think that picture of Rhondda was taken in December or something. I like the tan she has now. Sometimes I see her jogging in the neighborhood.
To RhonddaNunesFan1: You sound like a stalker. I just want her to update the offense, defense, and "laker-dissing" of the lyrics. Just like I want to see a King's team in the fall that's tenacious and doesn't take any possesions for granted....a team that will allways beat "el lay".